Give Now
Thank you for considering to give to support our community goals. Your gifts will be used to support our missions projects and community needs as well as our existing and future ministries.
The Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva is an association with registration number CHE225445589. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
How to Give
There are three other ways to give:
(1) At Sunday Service gatherings (2) With Twint (Switzerland only) (3) Via wire/bank transfer Recipient: Evangelical Baptist Church Chapelle de L'Oratoire 7 Rue Tabazan, 1204 Genève IBAN: CH81 3000 5240 8209 0300 K SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A Clearing Number: 240 Bank:
If you would like to give for a specific reason (e.g. tithes, offering, missions project, agape fund, church retreat, bookstall ministry), please write us a comment.
Do you have the TWINT app? If you would like to donate to EBCG in CHF please use this form or scan the QR code above. Then confirm the amount and donation.
US Taxpayers
Are you a US taxpayer? If yes, you may receive a charitable contribution deduction for your donations to EBCG via ICC-Eurasia.
ICC-Eurasia is a registered 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible, and donors will receive an annual statement.
ICC-Eurasia is a registered 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible, and donors will receive an annual statement.
Donate online
Go to
Select “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” under the designation dropdown
Complete payment details with credit card or US bank account details
Donate by check
Physical checks denoting “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” can be mailed to:
International Christian Community – Eurasia, Inc.
PO Box 34035
Bethesda, MD 20827
Donate by bank transfer
If you're unable to make bank transfers through the ICC-Eurasia website, please use the bank details below:
Chase Checking Account
Account Holder: International Christian Community - Eurasia, Inc.
Routing Number: 044000037
Wire Routing Number: 021000021
Account Number: 662327223
Account Holder: International Christian Community-Eurasia, Inc.
IBAN: BE32 9671 7956 0302
Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor
Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Note: Please mention “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” in your bank's reference field, and send a follow-up email to ICC-Eurasia.
Go to
Select “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” under the designation dropdown
Complete payment details with credit card or US bank account details
Donate by check
Physical checks denoting “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” can be mailed to:
International Christian Community – Eurasia, Inc.
PO Box 34035
Bethesda, MD 20827
Donate by bank transfer
If you're unable to make bank transfers through the ICC-Eurasia website, please use the bank details below:
Chase Checking Account
Account Holder: International Christian Community - Eurasia, Inc.
Routing Number: 044000037
Wire Routing Number: 021000021
Account Number: 662327223
Account Holder: International Christian Community-Eurasia, Inc.
IBAN: BE32 9671 7956 0302
Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor
Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Note: Please mention “Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva” in your bank's reference field, and send a follow-up email to ICC-Eurasia.